I'm watching the DNC on television. It's a good show. Good production values. I just don't recognize the Democratic party anymore.
American political culture has become an intellectual race to the bottom. This isn't populism. It's the only destructive form of intellectualism I know of. Everyone's second-guessing themselves hoping David Brooks won't snark at them.
I'm tired of watching the Democrats fetishize Vietnam. Sure, it's a useful stick to beat George Bush without saying anything "negative." Kerry distinguished himself as a soldier, but he also distinguished himself as a antiwar activist. His Vietnam buddies earned their place on the stage, but so did his fellow antiwar activists.
Now the PBS pundits are praising Kerry's speech because "it could have been given by a Republican or a Democrat." I don't think that's true. There's a big difference between Republicans and Democrats in America. Kerry just gave a fine speech, a Democratic speech. He's in touch with the times he lives in.
He's going to win and I'm going to help him.