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August 16, 2005

Someone get this boy a job at Townhall

This year the Canadian wingnut team fared poorly in international competition.

But luckily, scouts have their eye on an up-and-comer named Adam Deville, a theology student based in Ontario. He could be the one to put Canada back on top in hyper-competitive world of right wing lunacy.

God Doesn't Want Women Priests
Adam Deville
Theology Student

"I am not a journalist, but I should like to think that such a claim, purporting as it does to stand on its head 2,000 years of Christian history and practice, would have merited at least a little critical scrutiny.  A woman is a priest simply because she and a bunch of other women declare it to be so, got dressed up like one and engaged in an estrogen-oozing pseudo-eucharist–complete with hand holding and head-patting–to that end? By this logic, Clifford Olson could rehabilitate himself tomorrow simply by declaring himself to be a kindergarten teacher who feels called to love and serve children; by this logic, I could declare myself mother to my son, insist I'm going to give birth to our next child, and perhaps even dress up a bit to that end, all the while demanding acceptance and admission to the women's washroom in the maternity ward...."[Vancouver Sun]

[Ed: Clifford Olson is a Canadian serial killer of children.]


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wow... just stunning.

So if I am reading this correctly, women priests are the moral equivalent of child murderers.

Outstanding work, skippy! I am sure Canada will be right back in the hunt for the Wingnut Cup in no time with you playing center.

mojo sends

What god "wants" sadly seems determined more by the one saying the prayer than the god who would answer it. How sad it is that men who interpret the divine so often speak in less than godly, kindly ways. How cruel it is that the symbol of the being of a god that would unite our spirits is so often used to divide us. The fault lies not in the conception of god, but in the deception of our selves. Oy.

How could a god want for anything?

By this logic the standard for belief in the unseen merges seemlessly with the standard for belief based on quite evident biological and physical facts. No wonder ID has found so many adherents.

I have to admit that while I don't quite know how to characterize the serial killer angle -- other than as a pure insult -- I do note that there is nothing to stop the serial killer from professing a calling as a teacher except that, presumably the authorities would intervene to stop anyone from actually letting him supervise children. Just as there is nothing but ecclesiastical convention to stop a woman from declaring herself a priest.

What a bozo.

Not only that, but Clifford Olson is a piker compared to the Angry Sky Fairy that haunts the Old Testament.

I give this particular estrophobe a few years before he's instructing some poor girl to put the lotion in the basket.

Didn't the greater Vancouver region already produce Adam Yoshida? That's a hell of a 1-2 punch.

Adam DeVille is a PhD student in Theology at St. Paul University in Ottawa. Vancouver doesn't claim him!

We also produced Rachel Marsden.

Adam Deville's point seems to be that a woman can't become a Catholic priest simply by claiming to be one. Does that make him a wingnut? Internet bloggers could vote that I'm the King of Norway. Would that make it true? Can I claim to be a member in good standing of the Flat Earth Society if I publicly insist that the planet is round? Of course, this raises the issue of whether male priesthood is a defining dogma of Catholicism (like the divinity of Jesus), or merely a historical accretion. But if one believes the former, it surely doesn't make one wingnut.

Well, if I wrote a misandric screed on why you shouldn't be the king of Norway because of your testosterone-oozing rituals, well, yes, I think I would be a bit of a wingnut.

In Tom Wolfe's The Bonfire of the Vanities, the narrator was initially surprised to learn that the Reverend Bacon (Wolfe swears he had never even heard of Al Sharpton when he wrote the book) had been "ordained" by his mother. Then it occurred to him that, ultimately, all claims to religious authority are self-certifying.

"All claims to religious authority are self-certifying." I think that is the nub of the matter.

The women in question are not claiming that the Catholic Church recognizes them as priests, but that it should. Does anyone really think that there are ortodox churches that will let these new priests perform RC rituals? That they simulated the Catholic ordination ritual doesn't seem relevant; he purports to question their bona fides based on an appeal to realism (e.g., his stupid statement that he might as well proclaim his own capacity to give birth) when we all know that their claim has nothing to do with what is but what ought to be.

You know, its articles like Adam's that start to make me wonder if the church conspiracy to demonize and dis-empower women that's detailed in The Da Vinci code is true. How else to explain the rabid opposition?

You need the Da Vinci Code to work that out?

This letter shows why I am not affiliated with any religious group these days. What a pathetic and sentimental use of analogies! Yuck!

"You need the Da Vinci Code to work that out?"

Not really, but it just feels so much more official in the book. Figures that yet another fictional story based off a mix of fact and legend ends up exposing some truths.......

I am very concerned about the standard of scholarship required of PhD candidates in Ottowa if this bozo is in any way representative. How did anyone which such poor writing skills ever get into a PhD program?
Sorry Lindsay, but even with this guy, Yoshida and the loathsome Rachel Marsden you guys are not even close to being able to compete with the level of wingnutty goodness offered by the good old USA. You lack a goalie of Coulter-like insanity, and what team is complete without a crazy goalie? I doubt you'll even make the playoffs.
Um, can you tell I'm glad the NHL is back?

Apparently whatever disease of the mind our young Christian is suffering from is contagious. What I meant was "How did anyone WITH such poor writing skills ever get into a PhD program?"
How very unintentionally ironic.

and what team is complete without a crazy goalie?

The crazy goalie is the ghost of Doug Collins. With David Frum playing defense.

Also, is everyone aware that Rachel Marsden is now the "Canadian Affairs Correspondent" for The O'Reilly Factor? I shit you not. Will she begin stalking Mr. Falafel? (Once can only hope.)

Dear Adam Deville,

Please, don't drag me into this. My heart is pure.


Clifford Olson

I think he's a great wingnut - offensive, illogical, and nonsensical all at the same time. If you threw in a few typos, he'd give Kaye Grogan a run for her money.

I wonder why most of the people who bombast Adam Deville and call him names have failed to address one important issue he addressed in his article: the effect of all these changes would bring to the Catholic Church. I know “masses of modernity” want the Catholic Church to say ‘yes’ to abortion, say ‘OK’ to divorce and approve man to marry man (sodomy). The Anglican Church has done all these yet the “masses of modernity” are not marching back to the Anglican Church, but rather they continue to desert it. Why does a class of people insist that the Catholic Church should do the same? If you have the freedom to believe and practice what you believe, why cannot the Church have the same freedom to practice what she believes?

Again truth and goodness, for example, do not depend on ‘majority vote’ and a thing may not be as simple as some adult see it. For example, Tom (an elementary school boy of homosexual men) said to his friend: ‘Jim please, may I ask you something if you wouldn’t mind, if a dad is a man, can a man also be a mum?’

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