TDBlog interviews Dr. David Nicholl
The Talking Dog interviews Dr. David Nicholl a British neurologist and human rights activist. Dr. Nicholl was on of the lead signatories of a letter to the editor of the The Lancet decrying the force-feeding of Gitmo detainees as a human rights abuse. The remarkable Dr. Nicholl also ran a marathon dressed in an orange jumpsuit and shackles to raise money for Amnesty International and draw attention to the plight of Gitmo detainees.
Words to the wise from Dr. N:
When I saw my TV interview, I realized that you shouldn't talk about human rights after running, there is just too much adrenaline going- you look angry, and hence people think you're probably a nutter!
I often give Christians and religious people a hard time on this blog. I just wanted to mention that Dr. Nicholl came to human rights activism relatively late in life after becoming a Christian. It's nice to see someone who really takes the best of their religious doctrine to heart.
There's an error in his quote. From my youthful track team days (shotput, discus), I can attest: long distance runners look like nutters because they are.
Fie on all who disagree.
Posted by: Eli | March 21, 2006 at 11:46 AM
I'm sure that Dr Nutter will rest easy, knowing that you have sifted through his Christian commitments and deemed their upshot acceptable.
Posted by: Lazarillo | March 21, 2006 at 04:11 PM
You mean Christians aren't all the same?
Posted by: Webster | March 21, 2006 at 04:14 PM
Nah, it's neurologists who're nutters.
Posted by: Republic of Palau | March 21, 2006 at 04:37 PM
"...I often give Christians and religious people a hard time on this blog"
NO, you are not able to give true practicing Christians a hard time. Those whom you give a hard time are 'religious' people. There is a vast difference which is apparently lost upon you--but then in your omniscient and intense arrogance much is lost upon you.
Posted by: frylockfreak | March 24, 2006 at 01:54 PM