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April 05, 2006

Bunny diet logic

Apropos of our earlier discussion ...

Photo credit: The photographer is Kem Sypher winner of the Oregon Humane Society's 2004 "Be Kind To Animals" photography contest. Thanks to reader Mary for uncovering the source of the photograph.


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Okay, that is too cute.

That's not Ben's bunny -- he even says he got it from somewhere else (probably Cute Overload).

Cute Overload says that the bunny's name is Desdemona. The photo was taken by Kem Sypher, winner of the "Other animal" award in the 2004 Oregon Humane Society photo contest.

Here is Des full size.

Don't take the cookie away from him unless you want to get beat down with a shower of ping pong balls.

Don't take the cookie away from him unless you want to get beat down with a shower of ping pong balls.

I love the look on the bunny's face: "Uh-oh! Busted!"

Aaaaaah. Sooo cute.

Hmmm... it works. If I put my hand in a bunny puppet, I can filch a cookie and everyone blames the bunny.

I think I'm going to experience cutness overload. And I love norbizness' comment about the ping pong balls. I had completely forgotten that for over thirty years until you mentioned it. I'm not a nostalgia freak, but those little reminders of youthful innocence do my heart good sometimes.

Made a shirt for the bunny cookie thief!

Why are people making excuses for the bunny? The last thing we need to do is spread the idea that The Left is soft on crime. I don't think it's speciesist to think that that bunny deserves a stern rebuke and punishment for his or her crimes, not this "aw! Look how cute larceny is!" crap. We Democrats shouldn't make excuses for rich white middle-aged men who steal billions from the treasury, we shouldn't make excuses for poor black men who steal from convenience stores, and we shouldn't make excuses for white bunnies who steal from cookie platters.

I think it's species-ist to assume that the adorable white and black bunny isn't entitled to a cookie. If I put a plate of cookies out, it's for all the sentient beings in the room.

nice reference to capt. kangaroo, norbizness.

you want cute, check out my cockatiel.

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