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September 29, 2006

Inappropriate places to put coffee



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When in the field we used to open the packs of coffee that came with our MREs and just pour the coffe grinds in our mouths and wash it down with water.

I've had coffee in more inappropriate places than that.

The Ronco Rectum Bean Grinder is NOT a good product. Trust me.

Half a billion years of evolution and you get a creature that squirts coffee into its dookey chute. Intelligent design alright!

You might be right, cfrost, but I'm a sucker for anything with a 30-day money back guarantee.

What do you suppose they do with the returns?

>I'm a sucker


>When in the field we used to open the packs of coffee that came with our MREs and just pour the coffe grinds in our mouths and wash it down with water.

God, that sounds dire.

I'm just an innocent young fella from Texas, and I'm not used to your big-city New York ways, so please tell me -- how are enemas related to that picture?

Putting coffee up your ass is about as reasonable as putting it up your nose.

Neil, coffee enemas have been thought to somehow be healthy, fulfilling or life-changing.

From "LA Story:"

Sarah Jessica Parker's Character: "I'm having a high-colonic!"
Steve Martin: "What is that, like an enema?"
Sarah Jessica Parker's Character: "Yeah! You've gotta try it! It really clears out your head."
Steve Martin: "You should tell them they're doing it wrong."

I read the entire post and laughed so hard I had tears running down my cheeks. Thanks Lindsay, for posting this. After reading about the Foley Revelations I need something to wash the bad taste out of, er, my mouth.

The highly acidic nature of regular coffee can alter the specific pH balance in our body

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