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October 16, 2006

Tripoli Six Update

Revere has the latest news on the Tripoli Six, five nurses and a doctor on trial for their lives in Libya on trumped up charges of deliberately infecting hundreds of children with HIV.

Just goes to show the bizarre things people will say under torture.

The Questionable Authority has a list of things you can do to help the Tripoli Six.


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Thanks for keeping this visible.

I haven't done this for a while, but at your prompt, I will write a letter to GWB and to the NY Senators, this week.

I think that the US and EU have significant leverage here....any Europeans reading this should contract their elected officials.

"The six have been held in custody since 1999."

I might have heard of the situation before, but I don't remember contacting anyone about it if I did.

I certainly will do it now.

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