Paper withdraws Sweeney endorsement over domestic violence allegations
In a very unusual move, the Glenn Falls Post-Star withdrew its endorsement of Republican John Sweeney for his handling of a domestic violence scandal.
Sweeney try to lie about whether police had been summoned to his house in December 2005 after his wife made a late night 9-1-1 call. He then dismissed the domestic violence scandal as a non-issue. For the Glenn Falls Post-Star, that was it:
In our editorial endorsing the congressman for re-election last Sunday, we pointed out the many flaws in Congressman Sweeney's character, including his accompanying lobbyists to exotic locations, fabricating lies about his political opponents, and using poor judgement in attending frat parties. We said voters should take those factors into consideration, but that the congressman's record in helping secure funding for his district and voting in Republican interests overrode concerns about his unofficial conduct.
His response to this incident reflects disturbingly not only on his character, but on his credibility to serve effectively as a representative of all the people. [GFPS]
Translation: The Editors knew Sweeney was a corrupt lying lush, but they stuck by him because he was a steady Republican vote who brought home the bacon. This time, they've had it. You can't beat your wife and lie to the press. One or the other, but not both.
Sweeney is fighting to hold onto his seat in New York's 20th district. Challenger Kristin Gillibrand erased a 14-point deficit in two weeks. She now leads the incumbent by 3 points, according to the latest poll.
What are the statistial odds of this many Republican meltdowns? It's astonishing really. There has to be some reason, other than coincidence. I've been following politics since the late 80s, and there simply hasn't been another election cycle that had this many meltdowns, all from one party.
My best guess would be that this situation is being created by one party rule - where there is no accountability, corruption will spread like weeds.
Posted by: Lawrence Krubner | November 05, 2006 at 11:39 PM
Live and let live... Osmund
Posted by: Osmund | November 29, 2006 at 05:23 AM