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July 29, 2007

Just deserts for Louisiana attorney general

Finally, some good news...

John Protevi reports that the Louisiana Attorney General who pursued baseless charges of mercy killing by medics after Katrina is now in hot water for giving lucrative consulting gigs to some of his more eccentric and disreputable buddies.

AG Charles Foi is also facing a civil suit from one of the doctors whom he tried to railroad on baseless charges of mercy killing in post-Katrina New Orleans.

Suffice it to say that he's not in very good shape for the upcoming election.


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Good news, yes, but a little short of "just desserts". Compare the man's own negligence with the heroism of the people whose lives he tried to destroy, for his own benefit- that's an Iago-like level of evil, and worthy of a much greater reward from the Universe than a mere lawsuit.

Kudos on the proper use of "deserts" there. That's a phrase that many people feel smug in trying to correct people with by saying it should have two s's, little knowing that they're the ones in the wrong.

>That's a phrase that many people feel smug in trying to correct people with by saying it should have two s's, little knowing that they're the ones in the wrong.

Well, it's an understandable error. That particular word lives on only in the phrase.

I hope Lindsay didn't take my quotation marks as snootiness; I actually didn't notice we'd spelled the word differently. The reader should bear in mind, however, that all misspellings and instances of bad grammar in my comments are just my own little very conscious tributes to the memory of Steve Gilliard.

As I learned after reading Chris O.'s comment and doing a Google search, "just deserts" is rooted in "deserved," hence one 's.'

Prior to reading that comment, I would have spelled it with two s's.

Not in very good shape for the upcoming election? You forget that this is Louisiana.

The Louisiana attorney general's opponent is the loathesome Royal Alexander, notorious for his involvement with covering-up some of the complaints against Mark Foley while under the employ of the turncoat congressman from Louisana with whom he shares a last name...

I won't hold it against Louisianans if they stick with the incumbent, as I expect they will...

And it seems it takes a lot to lose reelection there. Just ask Congressman Jefferson, Mayor Ray Nagin, jailed former governor Edwin Edwards, David Vitter (?)....

Loathsome? Are you kidding? Do you even know the man or any of the facts related to the charges you hurl around? By all accounts, Royal Alexander is a fine person, but then you wouldn't know that, either.

Do some research before you start hurling charges against Royal Alexander. You sound like an idiot.

Xboy: With all due respect,you are totally incorrect on the Foley matter. The Clerk of the House, Mr. Trandahl, tried for 10 years before Rodney or Royal ever were in the picture to stop Foley's horrific behavior, to no avail. While Nancy Pelosi amd the desperate Louisiana Democrats would mislead you into believing that Royal Alexander and Rodney Alexander did something wrong in the Foley matter, that is the precise opposite of the House Ethics Committee, Congress' official investigative agency into the matter. In addition to its Official Finding that no wrong doing occurred, the ethics committee found that it was Congressman and Royal Alexander's four (4) combined warnings to house leadership that finally stopped Foley. The Pelosi Attack Machine and Lousiana's old-guard party bosses will say and do anything, much like they lied about Jindal at the end of the election several years back to help elect Blank-Stare. They did so to hang onto the power that has fueled this states's corrupt embarassment for over 110 years. Read the house ethics offical report before you believe the uninformed and irrational wishful thinking of biased pseudo intellectuals. The Jindals and Alexanders are a chance for new beginnings in our beautiful and troubled pelican state.

My name is Mark Vinzant and I am hoping to discuss with you a complaint against Charles Foti while he was the Sherriff. His office forced 80 inmates to breath toxic chemicals with no ventilation. I really dont no were to turn at this point, it is a very political complaint. Please contact me at your earliest opportunity (510) 375-7975, if you could just listen to me and give a path for me to go I would truly appreciate it, thank you

I met royal alexander recently at a gathering in Lake Charles. He was passionate about reforming our state and taking it back from the very few who enrich themselves at the expense of the many and then crawl back into the shadows when somebody tries to expose it. He talked about throwing open the shades and letting the light in. If we do not elect Bobby Jindal for Governor and Alexander for Attorney General we will get everything we desereve-plenty more of the same in this great but terribly corrupt and backward state.

I met royal alexander recently at a gathering in Lake Charles. He was passionate about reforming our state and taking it back from the very few who enrich themselves at the expense of the many and then crawl back into the shadows when somebody tries to expose it. He talked about throwing open the shades and letting the light in. If we do not elect Bobby Jindal for Governor and Alexander for Attorney General we will get everything we desereve-plenty more of the same in this great but terribly corrupt and backward state.

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