Giuliani advisor quit Nevada GOP over Minuteman fliers
First there was the his mobbed-up nominee for Homeland Security chief, then the alleged South Carolina coke peddler, now the nativist demagogue:
LOS ANGELES - Rudy Giuliani's southwest political director left a top position at the Nevada Republican Party last year after breaking rules by advertising a Minuteman border patrol rally in internal GOP e-mails.
The notices publicizing a "Stop the Illegal Invasion" rally in October 2006 outraged some Hispanic Republicans in the state, who said they feared it would alienate voters in the nation's fastest-growing minority group just weeks before election day.
The executive director of the Nevada party, Chris Gulugian-Taylor, resigned after party leaders said he violated procedures by circulating the Minuteman information to party members. He was installed recently as Giuliani's political director for California, Arizona and New Mexico after the departure of Mike Vallante, a former chief operating officer of the California Republican Party who split from the campaign about a month ago. {AP]
Rudy Giuliani needs to make some better friends. One scuzzy buddy is a tragedy, but two or three begin to look like carelessness.
The only thing that surprises me about that is that there are still Hispanic Republicans left to be offended.
Posted by: Chris O. | August 07, 2007 at 11:31 PM
For Rudy to "make better friends" he'd have to be someone other than who he is.
Harper's has an article on him this month. The headline: A fate worse than Bush: Rudolph Giuliani and the politics of personality
Posted by: lesley | August 08, 2007 at 12:34 AM
What if he'd promoted a blood drive? We can all support a blood drive. And we can all support enforcement of our border laws. Or is anybody who supports enforcement a scuzzbag? Or is this just an issue where people can demonstrate their moral superiority without actually supporting different policies?
Posted by: bjk | August 08, 2007 at 04:26 AM
What if he'd promoted a blood drive? We can all support a blood drive. And we can all support enforcement of our border laws. Or is anybody who supports enforcement a scuzzbag? Or is this just an issue where people can demonstrate their moral superiority without actually supporting different policies?
Posted by: bjk | August 08, 2007 at 04:27 AM
Crazy vigilantism is different than law enforcement. Demonizing immigrants is different than donating blood.
Posted by: Autumn Harvest | August 08, 2007 at 10:38 AM
He's a fascist... Rudi, that is.
Posted by: Jeffrey | August 08, 2007 at 11:45 AM
Rudy's maccaca moment is coming up soon.
Posted by: mudkitty | August 08, 2007 at 12:28 PM
"Rudy Giuliani needs to make some better friends. One scuzzy buddy is a tragedy, but two or three begin to look like carelessness."
...or a plan. You really have to turn over a lot of rocks to find talent like this, and it is little surprise the corrupt, sleazy and power hungry Giuliani would do so.
Posted by: Sean C | August 08, 2007 at 02:31 PM
You left one out, Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, until the recent DC Madam disclosure, Guilani's "Southern Regional Campaign Manager":
Posted by: ArthurKC | August 08, 2007 at 07:47 PM
Even the Republicans wouldn't tolerate the Minuteman freak's in house proselytizing. It takes a lot to get forced out of the GOP for anti-immigrant sentiment.
Posted by: Lindsay Beyerstein | August 09, 2007 at 12:29 AM
That's not carelessness.
Posted by: Ghost of Joe Liebling's Dog | August 09, 2007 at 10:02 AM
Is there anyone left in the GOP party apparatus who isn't scuzzy?
I mean seriously - Giulianni's had guys dropping left and right, McCain's man in Florida got nailed last month for soliciting a gay prostitute. Did Romney snatch up all of the non-scuzzbag GOP operatives or am I missing some embarrassing thing his folks have done too?
Posted by: NonyNony | August 09, 2007 at 12:25 PM