Off to YearlyKos
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I am the official photoblogger for YearlyKos 2007 Science Panel.
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Stay tuned for updates from Chicago.
I am the official photoblogger for YearlyKos 2007 Science Panel.
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WHOA !! That is SOOO cool. Congratulations !!
And, congratulations again. Out of all the progressive sites that I attempted to visit from the progressive college library of st pete florida YOURS is the only one that was not blocked for adult content. (mine is blocked)
This is a very great honor for they and for you. Cool !
Posted by: voxpopuli | August 01, 2007 at 10:16 AM
Snap away!
Posted by: mudkitty | August 01, 2007 at 10:56 AM
As far as I'm concerned, you should be the Official Photo Blogger for the entire convention. Let me know if you need an art dpt. coordinator next year.
Posted by: mudkitty | August 01, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Wonderful. Have a safe and inspiring trip and come back safe with some great pix.
Posted by: Jeffrey | August 01, 2007 at 03:23 PM
Sorta wish I was going, but too late for that now. Have a blast!
Posted by: Chris O. | August 01, 2007 at 06:47 PM
You know, you could look very attractive if you let your hair grow out a little. Why not put the effort in?
Posted by: chuck | August 01, 2007 at 07:10 PM
Out of all the progressive sites that I attempted to visit from the progressive college library of st pete florida YOURS is the only one that was not blocked for adult content. (mine is blocked)
Last year the Department of Interior decided that too many of its employees were wasting time on the web gambling, porn watching, shopping, and pissing tax dollars away in general. They instituted a blocking filter that gives you an annoying “This website may be inappropriate” screen if you go to someplace they don’t want you going. A link on the screen opens a page where you can itemize your reasons for wanting to see the site in question, after which they will decide yea or nay for your particular computer. For the first couple weeks they went completely overboard blocking everything and anything, including essentially all blogs. After a month or two of employee howling they opened many sites, including blogs, back up. (Not all, though - sadly, General J.C. Christian’s blessedly heterosexual site remains out of reach for his humbly pious DOI votaries, and just forget the Rude Pundit.)
I don’t know, but I’d like to believe that DOI personnel whose job has something to do with science –and they are legion- bitching about access to science-related blogs had something to do with unblocking the blogsites. I’m visiting science blogs all the time. (Not necessarily on government time; quit bellyaching.) Like any other kind of journalism nowadays, science reporting is fleshed out in the blogs. They’re becoming indispensable.
You know, you could look very attractive if you let your hair grow out a little. Why not put the effort in?
Screw that. Long hair clogs the drains and shows up when and where you least want it: in the kitchen.
Posted by: cfrost | August 02, 2007 at 01:44 AM
Oh and BTW Lindsay, congratulations. You've got the photographer's eye I only wish I had.
Posted by: cfrost | August 02, 2007 at 01:50 AM
You know, chuck, you would look more civilized if you kept egregious personal comments to yourself. Why not put the effort in?
Chicago in August is not great, but the gig sounds good!
Posted by: Dock Miles | August 02, 2007 at 08:51 AM
Chuck, might I suggest that you put some effort into shutting your pie-hole? Just a friendly suggestion.
Looking forward to seeing your photos when you get back, Lindsay.
Posted by: Autumn Harvest | August 02, 2007 at 10:45 AM
Nice gig. I'm looking forward to seeing all the reports on yearlykos. Given the state of science in politics today, the science section should be really good. Have fun.
Chuck, it's possible that she keeps her hair like that specifically to repel fucktards like you. Just a thought.
Posted by: TomK | August 02, 2007 at 10:57 AM
Wish I could be at YearlyKos, but the timing is just wrong.
Looking forward to the photos!
Posted by: RickD | August 02, 2007 at 01:37 PM
I'm really looking forward to seeing those pictures Lindsay!
And hey, Chuck? You'd look great with my size thirteen busted off in your ass--why not put the effort in? All the better, I have long hair, and it really sets off my eyes.
Posted by: The Great Beast | August 02, 2007 at 05:21 PM
After a month or two of employee howling they opened many sites, including blogs, back up. (Not all, though - sadly, General J.C. Christian’s blessedly heterosexual site remains out of reach for his humbly pious DOI votaries, and just forget the Rude Pundit.)
cfrost --- i'm hoping that's what happens here. I couldn't believe a young, supposedly educated librarian was agreeing that they 'HAD to have it'. I finally exhausted my patience and left. I liked the librarian who kept coming over to put in the password but ... geez.
Oh, I heartily commend anyone who can spend some government time on some learnin'. LOL. In order to make friends at the USPS I learned quickly to 'slow down, honey -- we need work for overtime'. No kidding or they'd have pitched me off the dock, i guess.
all kinds of bad habits i'm still shucking off from there but that's maybe just tampa.
legion-bitching ( learn so much here, thanks cfrost. LMAO!!
I thought chuck was kidding cause I almost called him on that when I came back to be sure my post 'took'.
Chuck -- like my grandma told me: Hair is only a frame for a pretty face.
Lindsay could be freakin bald. Who would notice???
She's pretty in buckets. A natural beauty that comes from both sides of the skin.
Posted by: voxpop | August 02, 2007 at 05:21 PM
Johnny Cash called. He wants his black shirt back. If you're going to Chicago, you need a Blues Bros. shirt. They're more progressive anyway.
Posted by: CatManDu | August 02, 2007 at 10:31 PM
Okay. Who's the idiot who left an open ital. tag in a post?
Posted by: CatManDu | August 02, 2007 at 10:32 PM
catmandu --- you're so kind. Come sit by me.
Posted by: vox | August 04, 2007 at 12:04 AM