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August 18, 2008

Announcement: Majikthise to cover presidential race for Firedoglake

I have a very exciting announcement to make: Starting this afternoon, I will be covering the 2008 presidential race at Firedoglake's Campaign Silo.

Campaign Silo is a reported blog. So, I'm counting on you guys to send me your tips.

As many of you know, I have a special affection for documents. Last month, I was the first to publish a photo of Randy Scheunemann, Stephen Payne, and Ahmed Chalabi. If you have some juicy files you'd like to pass along, please send them to the email address on the sidebar.

I will be blogging from the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. Stay tuned for dispatches and photos.


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Congratulations, Lindsay!! That's great news!

Of course, if you're going to be blogging from the National Republican Convention ... well, let's just say I hope you have a strong stomach.

If you want to write about open and overt corruption , you'll not have to travel very far at all

Woo hoo!

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading your reporting. Do you get to do any interviewing of Barak and John?

How about a stint at Nader's convention?

Women are both a drag and a bore. Come visit my blog at:

Lindsay Beyerstein -

Have you decided how you will handle offers of free food and drink from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party?

Seriously, seriously cool!

I'm not going to the conventions, but if I may suggest a response...

Q. Have you decided how you will handle offers of free food and drink from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party?

A. With both hands.

Awesome! They couldn't have made a better choice.


What will you do there - will you just write posts about the election?

Swopa -

Did the reporters who went to John McCain's barbecue act ethically by consuming free food and drink from him?

Excellent News Lindsay. We'll be reading your reports on FDL!

I'm inclined to mildly curse this wretched fate: I had hoped to avoid any and all coverage of American politics from this point on in my life, but with you on the job I won't be able to keep myself away.

Congratulations--you're perfect for the job.

Did the reporters who went to John McCain's barbecue act ethically by consuming free food and drink from him?

Depends if they colored their reporting beforehand in hopes of being invited, or afterward in hopes of being invited again. If so, that (not the eating/drinking) was unethical.

There's probably also a repeat-visit rule; eating quail at Karl Rove's house once isn't presumptive proof of journalistic corruption, but if you're doing it every couple of months, there's a problem.

In any event, I have enough confidence in Lindsay's integrity that I don't think she'll be bought off by snacks and booze at a convention. And if I'm wrong, then she'll most likely catch hell from commenters like you. So, all told, I think the long-term risk is small.

Cross posted from Firedoglake:

A really fine choice. I’ve been a fan of Lindsay for a long time and have really appreciated her development. She continues a distinguished family line. Barry (her late father) would be/is so very proud of her accomplishments.

IIRC, Lindsay is a vegetarian, if not a vegan.

--Have you decided how you will handle offers of free food and drink from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party?--

The ultimate how many angels can dance on the head of a pin? bullshit issue of the young century.


IIRC, Lindsay is a vegetarian, if not a vegan.

I've seen her consume meat perfectly well.

you'll be wonderful. they made an excellent choice.

Perhaps she's allowed rumors to spread that she's vegetarian so she can lure unsuspecting cattle to their doom.

Going to a special party the only purpose of which is to create good press and good vibes about McCain is very different from eating stuff at a convention.

The problem with the McCain BBQ was not so much free stuff as it was that the ONLY purpose of the party was to win influence in the press. It was held to make people like Ana Marie Cox feel special and loved so that they would then go easy on McCain and write fluff pieces about his rib recipies.

been afraid to read blogs lately, but this may cure me.

FDL couldn't have chosen better. Big congrats for you.

Woo hoo hoo!

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