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August 20, 2008

Saakashvili eats his own tie

via Ken Silverstein.


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Off topic but thought I'd pass this along in case it's of interest and you haven't seen it.

McCain accused of plagiarism, fabrication in his speeches

I don't claim to understand the full implications of power politics in the Caucasus. But if we are going to the mattresses against Russia in that mountainous, miserable region for the sake of this tie-chewing clown's political career, I am concerned.

As little couth as President Bush has sometimes exhibited, he has managed to distinguish wardrobe from foodstuffs successfully. I get that when he and Sakashvili are in the same room, Bush is actually the smart, sensible grownup. (Ew, I need a shower....)

Who can blame him? Had I painted myself into the corner he has, I'd probably finish the tie and start in on my shirt.

This whole Georgia/Russia/Saakashvili/Putin thing has dreadfully grave and ominous implications. Too bad the BushCo morons spent the last eight years trashing international law and propriety and now have nothing left to say on the matter that anyone will take seriously. Not to worry though, even if we've tossed the voice of our moral authority into the crapper, we've still got unlimited military might. Oh, wait . . .

Yes, he probably regrets having told Gurgenidze, "If Russia pushes back on Ossetia, I'll eat my tie."

At least he didn't eat someone else's tie. far as we know.

The only reason for a man to walk around all day long with a fancy noose around his neck is to suck off any soup or gravy he happens to spill on it at lunch. I hope it tasted good!

C'mon give a guy break. If 30,000 Russian soldiers were within 20 miles of your home with the intent to kill you, I think you'd sh*t in your pants and get nervous too...

C'mon give a guy break. If 30,000 Russian soldiers were within 20 miles of your home with the intent to kill you, I think you'd get nervous and worried too...

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