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May 09, 2009

Ingrid Jensen with Secret Society


Ingrid Jensen with Secret Society at the "Infernal Machines" launch party.


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Maybe while you're taking photos for Flickr of a musical performance, someone else should film for YouTube, and then the photos could have links to YouTube below them.

There are two problems with filming performances. First, the quality tends to be crap. I filmed one of my girlfriend's performances, and the sound quality came out terrible - you could barely make out anything. I see the same problem whenever I find a YouTube of a band's performance shot by a fan. To have good sound quality, you need good sound equipment, at the very least a microphone placed near the stage.

And second, videotaping an event requires space for a video camera. A ledge is enough if you don't care about quality, but if you do, you need space for a tripod and the microphones, and/or a professional cameraman holding the camera at all times.


the beauty of the stills is that they should make you want to go out and see them in person.

as we watch the death throes of the label system (which isn't totally a good or bad thing, like most of life it's a mixture of both) live performance is going to be where the money is.

i have some friends who have just started new projects and they post their stuff for free on the net, while the download progresses it shows where they are playing next.

Live performance is already where the money is. Royalties are a pittance, unless your name is Michael Jackson, and besides, you can't attend a performance for free by using LimeWire.

On May 4, 2009, I heard DJ Argue's latest album promoted by John Schaefer on WNYC Soundcheck.

"Darcy James Argue’s Secret Society, “Infernal Machines” (New Amsterdam) - Picked by Brian Wise":

Cool. No? He compared DJ's sound to Charles Mingus. I agree.

WNPR and WGBO teamed up with this story by Josh Jackson and some of DJA's music:

I have to say that I was not knocked over by his earlier original compositions, but the little I heard from "Infernal Machines" is different. So who got better? DJA or I? Enjoy everyone, and congratulations to DJA and the virtuoso musicians of "Secret Society".

Ingrid, I love your sound!

Erik, you should see the performance I filmed of my sons (Aaron and Stefan Gonzalez - bass and drums) in Dallas, with pianist Curtis Clark. I had a still Mino video camera mounted on a microphone stand - tiny li'l thing - and and 8 track digital recorder, all very's the solo piano beginning: the pics. your horn playing
Dennis Gonzalez

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