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June 21, 2009

Leopard claws


A spectator at the Mermaid Parade. Those nails aren't fake and they're not part of a costume, they're her actual fingernails.

Her thumbnails are so long they coil like corkscrews. It's amazing to me that she can handle a phone and a camera.

The nails are decorated with leopard-print polish. (Click on the image to see a larger view.)


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Some girls should not wear skinny jeans and she is one of them.

Wow. I've seen some corkscrewed fingernails, but hers pretty much take the cake. A bit like the Burmese women with the brass-hooped, elongated necks or Chinese women with bound feet. So, we've got the pants that required some tugging, the shirt sleeves through which the nails had to be carefully threaded, the i-pod and cell phone with their little buttons, and, God help me, or her, the shoelaces!

Ok, how does she finish up in the bathroom?

Ok, how does she finish up in the bathroom?

I was thinking that myself...bidet maybe? Either that or a scrub brush. I don't think it's possible to do with with those nails otherwise.

Wow. I've seen some corkscrewed fingernails, but hers pretty much take the cake. A bit like the Burmese women with the brass-hooped, elongated necks or Chinese women with bound feet. So, we've got the pants that required some tugging, the shirt sleeves through which the nails had to be carefully threaded, the i-pod and cell phone with their little buttons, and, God help me, or her, the shoelaces!

Not to mention to chalky old white guy with shorts and black socks. Tacky!

On the one hand, I can admire the dedication that allows her to cultivate those nails.

OTOH, all of the comments above (except the rude and pointless one about "skinny jeans"), plus I wonder about the mental state that allows someone to develop such an all-consuming obsession with something as pointless as ridiculous fingernails.

I wondered the same thing. I wonder if she can hold down a job with those nails--no pun intended.

I wonder if she can hold down a job

Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech recognition software. Amazing program. You can do everything you want to do on your computer while wearing a straitjacket; should you care to do so.

Dr. Psycho, those fingernails are nothing if not pointed.

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