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December 30, 2009

Darcy James Argue wins "Best Debut" in Village Voice poll

Darcy James Argue, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

Congratulations to my partner, Darcy Argue, on his outstanding showing in this year's Village Voice Jazz Critics's poll. Darcy's album, Infernal Machines (New Amsterdam) placed first in the Best Debut category and fourth overall.

It's a brilliant album, the culmination of years' work. Any reasonable person would have told you that it was impossible to move to New York and become a big band leader in the 2000's, but Darcy showed everyone.

Congratulations also to my friend Linda Oh who also made the list for her Entry (Linda Oh Music).


How cool is that?

Some of the guys have opened a bottle of two buck chuck ( cheap red wine from Trader Joe's ) in the office

I lift my plastic glass to you!

Cheers, Phantom. Happy New Year!

Congrats! It's a well deserved prize.

Somebody's built up a big head of steam punk.

Mazal tov!

Congratulations to Darcy!

congratulations darcy! it's good to be noticed ain't it? keep up the good music. lord knows we need it. now, more than ever maybe.

(your truffles should be arriving tomorrow, enjoy.

i recommend the raspberry truffle combined with a glass of dry champagne. raspberry is pink and white stripes.

happy new year ya'll)

It is indeed a brilliant album. I gave my wife a copy for an extremely selfish birthday present, and it gets a lot of play.

Congratulations to yer man.

Well done! (New York knows what it likes.)

Are there any samples on YouTube we can listen to?

The NY Mets have just given a big contract to Jason Bay, another BC native who will be playing the outfield

The NYC BC Mafia is prospering


W00t! Congratulations. Recognition is good.

Secret Society on YouTube. Complete audio of several Secret Society concerts.

Well done!!!!

Bravo, Darcy! We toast your success and wish you many more in the new year.

Trust a philosopher to have a partner named Argue.... ;)

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