Ladies, meet your new gender diversity coordinator, Mr. Angry Penis
Stan Dai, one of the four Republican operatives arrested this week
for allegedly plotting to tamper with Sen. Mary Landrieu's telephones,
is a bit of a self-styled spook, at least in his own mind. His resume
features some relatively junior administrative gigs with programs
sponsored by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and
the Department of Defense. He also liked to publicly hold forth on
terrorism, intelligence, and surveillance in videos and in before the
Junior Statesmen of America.
You can rest easy, Laura Rozen was able to confirm that Dai never worked directly for a U.S. intelligence agency. Rather, he worked for programs supported by grants from these organizations. As far as we know, he never claimed otherwise. But he certainly got a lot of mileage out of his job titles including Assistant Director for the Intelligence Community Center for Academic Excellence at Trinity Washington University and Operations Officer for a DOD fellowship on irregular warfare. Dai's resume also lists him as having been an undergraduate fellow at the right wing Center for the Defense of Democracies. I called the Center to confirm this claim. A spokeswoman explained that the fellowship was a summer enrichment program for college students, which Dai completed in 2004.
So, what is an Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence? Mark Hosenball of Newsweek reports that the ODNI gives grants to universities to attract more women and minority students to intelligence work.
Stan Dai, as you will recall is the author of the Penis Monologues,
a satire of the Vagina Monologues in which Dai's penis reacts with fury
at being invited to a performance of the VM. (Quoth Dai: "MY PENIS IS
ANGRY!!!!!!! You want to know what happened to my penis? Joan [the
5-foot-tall hairy vagina] happened to my penis!")
The irony is not lost on Marcy Wheeler: "As Hosenball points out, it’s ironic that a movement conservative like Dai was involved in what was basically a program to encourage diversity. But I’m a little more shocked that ODNI, under Mike McConnell, was funding Mr. Angry Penis to help recruit women into the field of intelligence."