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81 posts categorized "Hurricane Katrina"

September 08, 2006

Journalist Greg Palast faces criminal charges from DHS

Journalist Greg Palast may face criminal charges for photographing "national security site" while filming a documentary about Hurricane Katrina:

Yes, the rumor’s true. Greg Palast is facing a criminal complaint from the Department of Homeland Security stemming from his filming the Hurricane Katrina investigation for Link TV and Democracy Now. The film’s producer, Matt Pascarella, is also facing the legal wrath of Big Brother.

It appears the complaint is about filming a sensitive national security site owned by Exxon petroleum. It seems that photographing major Bush donors is now a federal offense.

Palast hasn't been arrested, but he has been questioned by the DHS.

September 07, 2006

Orleans Parish Prison documentary


Here's a link to a remarkable BBC documentary, Prisoners of Katrina, available in full online.

[Hat tip to Brownfemipower.]

August 29, 2006

Chairs facing out

The Convention Center in New Orleans, approximately 48 hours after the last of the evacuees had been taken to safety.

Stairway to Nowhere

Stairway to Nowhere, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

A flooded house in the Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina.

Oriental Rugs and dog gumbo

Oriental Rugs, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

Standing the the doorway, a hardcore holdout who stayed behind to protect his store after Hurricane Katrina. In the foreground, my colleague Julie.


Hairathon, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

Evacuees from Hurricane Katrina enjoying the Hairathon, a complimentary day of beauty sponsored by the Alden School of Cosmetology in Baton Rouge.

Katrina Evacuees

Hairathon Mom, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

Evacuees from New Orleans enjoying a complimentary day of beauty at the Alden School of Cosmetology in Baton Rouge shortly after Hurricane Katrina.

Images of Katrina

House-to-house, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

A rescue worker spray paints an "x" on a flooded house in New Orleans.

The "x" creates a grid icon with a quadrant for the date, the search team, special hazards discovered, and the number of bodies found inside the residence.

Images of Katrina

Bush's Boat Ramps, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

One of the highway offramps used to launch search and rescue boats in the Lower Ninth Ward after Hurricane Katrina, nicknamed "Bush's boat ramps."

Images of Katrina

Flooded Cemetery, originally uploaded by Lindsay Beyerstein.

In honor of the first anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.